It took over a year to get my mind right.
I was telling myself I was positive. However deep in my mind I wasn’t. I pretended to be capable of everything and instead became ill again and again.
All of these years I thought I had admitted that I was not a healthy person and had to take things slower than the others. However I wanted to be normal.
“Don’t do too much.”
Everybody said to me.
What did I do? Yes, I did too much.
I never learnt.
I was scared that I might do too much again… so I lost confidence to work by myself.
With inflation I needed to earn… so I started to work as a cleaner while keeping my website open.
During this period I’ve left so much stuff aside and created a huge mess which professional organisers wouldn’t do. However I’m only human…I’m not strong.
It’s been nearly 5 months since I started to be a cleaner again. Loving my job at the moment and things have settled a bit. Also I have a bit more energy to tackle untidiness! It’ll be slow going but I’d like to share my progress here.
I haven’t given up my business! So please do contact me if you need my help! I’ll try to squeeze you into my schedule😉
Happy tidying✨