It has been a hectic couple of months! However I’ve managed to celebrate New Year’s Day with my close friends and family. It‘s very important for me as a Japanese to celebrate new years day. I cannot have this day without traditional meal and sake🍶. Through out this busy and important time of year we also had work done on our house and I have been sorting out all the stuff moving around all over the house. Finally painting is done and broken downlight has been replaced so I think it’s ok to have a sit down to write. There are still jobs to do like laying Luxury Vinyl Tiles and changing the door etc but I can take time on those. Somehow I strongly feel like it’s going to be a great year! I have new year resolution here! I’ll sort out our house and my life! They’ve been so dull and messy. Hope I can share my life here lots more this year. Happy tidying!
